About Us
We are proud to declare that our practice is informed by the most recent evidence-based studies in the rehabilitation sector.
We are proud to declare that our practice is informed by the most recent evidence-based studies in the rehabilitation sector.
OccupAction exists since 2015 and is proud to declare that its practice is informed by the most recent evidence-based studies in the rehabilitation sector. Our team values a rigorous and efficient workstyle which will allow our clientele to return as rapidly as possible to their regular occupations.
OccupAction is a team made of various professionals and collaborators to ensure that the client receives all the services they need in order to re-engage in their significant occupations. It is a team devoted to the client and to global health.
At OccupAction, we are your reference point for the mental and physical health needs of the whole family, from new-born to senior citizen.
Whether it be the mental health of parents, career transitions, chronic or persistent pain, health of caregivers, retirement planning, post-cancer resumption of activities, introduction of solid foods to babies, childhood anxiety, and so much more; we are there for you and your loved ones.
Strengthened by its affiliation with PhysioOutaouais, OccupAction is now located at the Sports Center of the City of Gatineau, 850 blvd de la Gappe Suite 331.
819 307-6765
850 boulevard de la Gappe, suite 331
Gatineau (Québec)
© 2024 OccupAction.